Should the boat be unable to cruise due to inclement weather, high water or mechanical problems, the Belle of Louisville Riverboats will continue the event dockside with catering and entertainment on board. The buffet will still be available dockside and will not be refunded. The Belle has an obligation to pay the catering company for the food they prepared regardless of whether we cruise or not. We will issue sightseeing cruise passes for you to return and enjoy a cruise on another date.
Should the boat be unable to cruise and also not able to remain dockside due to extreme weather conditions, the Belle of Louisville Riverboats will issue full refunds to all paying passengers. Refunds are given by check or credit card, depending on the method of payment given at booking. Customers that paid with cash will be refunded by check. Refunds will be issued within 7 business days of the event. Passengers will be notified of changes using contact information provided.
We regret any inconvenience. Please call 502.574.2992 with any questions or concerns.